Thinking about becoming a surrogate?

Make a Difference, Earn Up To $70k

Join our Village to begin your life-changing journey.
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Why Village Surrogacy?

We provide you with a “village” of competent and compassionate support and guidance throughout your surrogacy journey.

Here’s what sets us apart:

  • We are a boutique regional agency that provides concierge matching services and personalized care to everyone in our village, including you!

  • Our surrogates receive generous compensation packages ranging from $50,000 to $85,000. These packages include:

    • Financial assistance for maternity clothes, housekeeping, childcare, lost wages, travel, and other customary items.
    • Additional compensation for completing certain milestones in your journey, such as embryo transfer and the confirmation of pregnancy.
    • Professional administration of an escrow account by a third-party professional escrow agent.
  • Our regional focus means that the intended parents you work with will live closer to you, allowing the parents to actively participate in the journey and provide you with tons of support.

  • As a smaller agency, our gestational carriers are more than a name in a database. We endeavor to really know our surrogates, allowing you to be matched more quickly with high-quality parents who meet your preferences and requirements.

  • We have a “village” of professional relationships and decades of experience in the surrogacy field that we bring to your journey to ensure that you have a seamless journey and can enjoy the lifechanging process of surrogacy without having to worry about logistics or being bogged down with process and administrative matters.

  • We engage with intended parents who have completed initial screenings and are able (financially, emotionally, etc.) to get started quickly with their journey. Our intended parent requirements and screening process helps minimize delays and bumps so that you can get started with the fun part of your journey more quickly.

 What our surrogates have to say about Village

Being a surrogate was by far one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Bringing a new life into the world and seeing my intended parents faces full of joy as they held their baby for the first time was truly indescribable.
Village Surrogate “H”
Village surrogacy is a wonderful company to work with as a gestational carrier. They are prompt in all their communication, while being courteous and respectful. They have great insight in matching IP’s, and GCs, and have obviously spent a lot of time understanding their clients. The process they have in place really allow potential matches to get well acquainted to ensure the match is solid before legal is ever signed. This is a unique company that is outstanding in its field.
Village Surrogate “DW”

We’ve Got You

Our village was founded on the belief that every single one of our gestational carriers and intended parents deserve, and should receive, personalized, competent, and consistent support. We will guide you through the entire process of surrogacy from the first hello call to the first heartbeat – -and we’ll be there throughout to assist with any items that arise during the pregnancy. For check-ins and to assist with items that pop up during the pregnancy. By keeping our “boutique” focus, we ensure that everyone gets the time and personalized attention they deserve – and the best possible surrogacy journey, from start to finish.
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Surrogate Requirements

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To become a surrogate you must:

  • Be 21–42 years old
  • Maintain good physical and mental health
  • Have had at least one full-term, uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery
  • Have a BMI of 32 or below
  • Have been off antidepressants or psychotropic medications for at least six months
  • Be in a stable relationship or have a strong support network
  • Be content with your family size
  • and not be in a financial crisis or receiving public assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you have questions, and we are here for you! Below are the answers to the most frequently asked questions. But if there is something you’re wondering about, don’t hesitate to reach out. We can’t wait to meet you!
What does the pre-screening process look like with Village Surrogacy?

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How does the matching process work at Village Surrogacy? 

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What is the base compensation range for Gestational Carriers and how do they get paid?

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How often will I have to travel as a Gestational Carrier? 

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What’s the timeline look like after matching with Intended Parents?

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Contact Us

To learn more about Village, please email us at [email protected]

We’re excited to be a part of your journey by using our “Village” to help create your family!

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